Thanks, God.

September 19, 2013

Hello fellas! long time no see ? how are you ? haha.

Me? I'm fine. And i'm really happy to be here. i'm enjoying my life as a freshman in Accounting of Padjadjaran University. People there are really kind and fun, and i can't even express how thankful i am to be accepted here. And i do really hope, this happy feeling will not disappear until i graduate from here, AMIN :")

Okay guys, so i want to share some pics of mine when i did "P5" and "Pengaderan". Jadi, P5 itu adalah ospek fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis unpad, kalo pengaderan ospek prodi akuntansi unpad. Setelah ngikutin P5.. banyak banget "pencerahan" yang udah aku dapet. Acaranya fun banget, ga senioritas, seru, kocak.... i can't even express it by words since it was really fun and i really enjoyed it! 

But, Pengaderan hasn't finished yet. Baru hari minggu nanti selesainya.. wish me a lot of luck yaa hehe. 

Okay i think enough for this post, nite universe!

Lotura Pengaderan 

Best Essay P5, alhamdulillah.

Primera Pengaderan

The last day of P5

FGD (Forum Group Discussion) P5

Action Hour P5

Aku sangat berterima kasih banget sama ALLAH SWT., karena dia memberi aku rasa bahagia, dan rasa nyaman berada disini.
Jujur awalnya aku takut.
Aku takut ga bisa beradaptasi, takut tidak mendapat teman dan lain-lain
Tapi ternyata kenyataannya justru sebaliknya.
Orang-orang disini sopan sopan, ramah, baik dan welcome banget sama aku
Suasana di kampus juga nyaman dan friendly banget.
For all that happiness that i get here, from the deepest part of my heart
i say "Thanks, God."

19-09-2013 , 23 : 02 , Nanda's room :)

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